Fairview's approach to discipline, attendance and suspension
Students are to maintain behavior that promotes safety and respect for all. The BVSD Policies JD/JR, JDC, JDC-R, JDD, JDHB, JDSE, JFCH/JFCI, JBB, JDDA, JBB, and KE list specific conduct that shall be maintained by students and activities that will result in disciplinary action.
For Spanish version, please see policies JD/JR-SP, JDC-SP, JDC-R-SP, JDD-SP, JDHB-SP, and JDSE-SP.
Copies of these policies may be obtained from a school administrator or on the BVSD Policy Website at https://www.bvsd.org/about/board-of-education/policies.
Though suspension is a commonly used disciplinary technique, and supported by BVSD Policy JDSE/JDSE-R (Spanish Policy JDSE-SP/JDSE-R-SP), Fairview High School recognizes that although suspending students from school is sometimes necessary, there are other responses to violations of rules that can be implemented as first steps that do not remove a student from school.
As part of the discipline procedure, FHS has implemented a range of strategies to increase positive choices from students, reduce misbehavior while maintaining a safe learning environment. Some of these strategies include community service, restorative practices, substance abuse classes, counseling, and conflict resolution. In some suspension cases one of the above listed alternatives may be explored.
It is important to note that when FHS implements a suspension alternative to a student, the fidelity of the consequence must be 100% adhered to in order to reach a successful learning outcome for the student. This includes but is not limited to dates, times, and location of community service and/or restorative practices. For student athletes, additional sanctions will be imposed per the athletic code of conduct. Suspensions may be reported to college or universities depending on the individual school’s requirements.
Our goal is to use an instructional, rather than a punitive approach to addressing discipline. At the same time, our expectation is that all students follow the policies set forth by Fairview High School and the Boulder Valley School District.
School Administration will determine if a student is “under the influence,” in possession of, or has used alcohol or illegal substances by a body of evidence which could include, but not be limited to: smell, eyes, speech, behavior, etc.
Disciplinary action can result from acts outside regular school hours or the regular school year or off school grounds, which embarrass, humiliate, or degrade other students, staff members, or the reputation of Fairview High School, or which interfere with the school’s ability to operate effectively. These undesirable actions may result in suspension from any part, or all, of an activity or athletic season, or from school.