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Health Room Clinic

health room

At Fairview, the well-being of our students is our utmost priority.

Our health room is staffed with a full-time nurse and health room para to attend to students' health needs. We have carefully outlined crucial steps, covering medication guidelines and emergency procedures, to ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone. Explore our health room protocols and policies below to acquaint yourself with our commitment to your health. We are here to support you every step of the way, making your well-being our primary focus!


quick links

District Health Policies: The BVSD Health Services Website and BVSD Policy  JLCJLCCJLCD, and  JLCE contain information about immunizations, medications, health forms, and other district health policies.

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Access Immunization Records Form Here


COVID Guidance for 23/24

Hello Fairview Guardians, cases of illness have been going up in the past few weeks. Here is the link for BVSDs Covid policy just to refresh everyone's memory. Remember the best defense is a good offense so keep your immune system happy by following good health practices. Take care. BVSD Covid Guidance

people masked


**Fairview High School Health Room Procedures:**

Health Room Staff: Fairview High School has a dedicated full-time nurse and health room para to assist with students' health needs.

Use of Clinic: The clinic is intended for students with serious or unexpected illnesses or injuries.

Checking Out: If a student becomes ill and needs to leave school, they must check out with the school nurse or the attendance office first.

Medication Dispensation: School personnel cannot dispense medication without completion of the required BVSD form.

 Carrying Medications: To carry medications during school hours while on school property, students must obtain a form from the school nurse and return it with the required signatures.

Emergency Contact Information: In case of a medical emergency, the school will follow parental instructions provided during the Annual Data Update (ADU). Keeping contact information updated annually is crucial.

Paramedic Decision-Making: If parents/guardians or emergency contacts cannot be reached during an emergency, paramedics will make decisions regarding treatments, hospitals, etc.



**Report to Health Room:** If a student experiences illness or injury during the school day, they should promptly report to the Health Room office for treatment.

 **Recording Information:** The Health Room staff will record the student's name, time of the visit, and the outcome of the visit. This information will be used to verify or document any necessary absence from class.

**Contacting Parent/Guardian:** Students have the option to contact a parent or guardian from the Health Room office, if needed, to arrange for pickup and transportation home.

**Emergency Response Team:** In the event of emergencies, an Emergency Response Team is available to provide assistance and support.

**Health Room Contact:** The Health Room can be reached at: 720-561-3336 for any health-related concerns or queries.

 **Updating Emergency Contact Information:** Parents are responsible for ensuring that emergency contact information is kept up to date to facilitate efficient communication during emergencies.


Location: Midway down the ramps opposite the Seniors’ Lounge 

Hours: 8:30AM – 3:30PM.

Phone : 720-561-3336

Health Room Staff

Paula Waldhoff

Fairview High, Health Services

Judy Stephens

Health Para, Special Ed Para

quick links

District Health Policies: The BVSD Health Services Website and BVSD Policy  JLCJLCCJLCD, and  JLCE contain information about immunizations, medications, health forms, and other district health policies.

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Medications in School

 ● NO medication, prescription or non-prescription, may be carried by the student to take on his/her own, i.e., in backpack or pocket, unless special arrangements have been made with the school nurse consultant, family and medical provider.

● For all prescription medication, a student’s parent or guardian must make a written request for school personnel to administer the medication by providing a completed Medication Authorization Form, which is signed by both parent and physician. The student must report to the health room or school office to take medications.

● Exception: Any student who requires the use of an emergency medication, such as an EpiPen, inhaler, or insulin, may carry and self-administer the prescribed medication with approval of their medical provider and school nurse consultant.

● Any medication administered at school must be supplied by a parent, in the original pharmacy or over-the-counter bottle.

● Parents must pick up unused medication at the end of the school year or it will be disposed of by school staff.


Health Resources