If your student will be late or absent, please call the Fairview High School Attendance line at 720-561-5352. Speaking slowly, please leave a detailed voicemail with the following information:
Student's first and last name
Student's grade
Date of absence
Reason for absence.
Be sure to include your name, phone number, and relationship to student.
If you need to provide documentation for the absence (doctor/dentist note or appointment), please give this to the front office, fax it to 720-561-3111, or email to fairview.attendance@bvsd.org.
As a reminder, BVSD's illness protocol follows CDPHE'sHow Sick is Too Sickguidelines.
Students may return to school or child care as long as the symptom(s) have been resolved for 24 hours unless the symptoms are caused by an illness that requires them to stay home longer.
COVID testing is recommended, not required, for anyone with COVID-like symptoms or a known exposure
COVID-like symptoms include:
Fever (100.4 and above), chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, runny nose or congestion, muscle or body aches, headache, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
Any individual who tests positive must isolate at home until:
They have had no fever for at least 24 hours — without the use of fever-reducing medicines, AND
Symptoms are improving, AND
It has been at least 5 days since symptoms began. (If symptoms do not develop, count 5 days from when the test was administered.)
Individuals should then wear a well-fitted mask for the next 5 days when around others. If they are unable to effectively wear a mask for an additional 5 days, they should isolate for the full 10 days.
If you have questions about returning to school after an illness, please contact our school's health office.
Parents and guardians only can log in to their Infinite Campus Parent Portal site to notify School/Staff of an expected student absence. This will ensure the authenticity of reported absences, while also providing families with improved communication when a student misses class.
See below for a step-by-step guide that can help you through the process.
The BVSD Report Absence Form allows parents and guardians to securely report a student’s absence from school for a single day. Users submitting an absence report will receive a confirmation email at the contact email address listed in Infinite Campus. The form can be toggled between English and Spanish. Confirmation emails will be sent in English or Spanish depending on the preferred language of the user listed in Infinite Campus.
Students are not able to self-report absences from Campus Student.
Log in to the Campus Parent website from any internet-connected computer, tablet, or mobile device with your Infinite Campus username and password. Or login to the Parent Portal app.
In left-hand menu, click More (If menu not visible, click Hamburger icon
2. In “Quick Links” section, click “Report Absence”
3.Complete fields and click “Submit”
4.To report an absence for a second child, click the intended individual’s tab. The active student tab is blue.
Once logged into the form, use the select list in the upper right corner of the screen to select desired language.
If you run into troubles using the form, don’t know your Infinite Campus log in information, or need a password reset, please contact your School’s office. They will be able to make sure you get the help you need.
Since it is the expectation at Fairview High School that each and every class period consists of high-quality instruction and effective best practice, any absence may negatively impact student learning and academic progress. As such, it is the further expectation of Fairview High School that students are on-time and attend each and every class period. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the attendance policy below.
If your student is in class but marked absent. We ask students to be responsible for their attendance with our Attendance Correction Slip.
In the event that your student disagrees with the attendance mark, please have them come to the attendance desk in the front office and obtain an "Attendance Correction Slip”
Students hand this to their teachers and ask them to sign off and mark the attendance correctly. Once the teacher signs the slip off, the student brings the note to the attendance desk and we will mark the record accordingly.
Thank you for calling to excuse your student and we apologize for the inconvenience of getting calls after the excusal!
Please, rest assured that we did receive the excusal voicemails and emails, however as there are so many calls and emails that we receive, these are dealt with in a timely manner. Please ignore future calls from the attendance line after you leave a message or email excusing your student.
BVSD uses a robocall system to track attendance, so you will still receive alerts until we get to your position in the queue to excuse your child from school.
Please keep in mind that we have to listen and assess each case individually, so it may take 24 to 48 hours to excuse a student (depending on how busy the lines are during the week).
You can turn off the alerts by going to your IC portal and turning off the calls and voicemails in the Communications tab, but please be aware that you will not receive school warnings, inclement weather, or emergency calls when the communications tab is turned off.
We would like to remind our families and staff of the actions we can all take to reduce the spread of these illnesses and keep our schools and community as healthy as possible.
1. Please stay home if sick
1. At least 24 hrs after your child/you have had a fever, vomiting or diarrhea (resolved for 24 hrs without medications)
2. If you have multiple symptoms such as coughing, congestion, aches, sore throat - stay home until they start to improve
BVSD will continue to have masks available for students and staff if they wish to wear them, we also have air filtration systems operating and more frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces.
As always, the health and safety of our students, staff and community are our top priority.
If you need to report an absence for your student , please contact our Fairview High School Attendance line at 720-561-5352
Speaking slowly, please leave a detailed voicemail with the following information:
Student's first and last name
Student's grade
Date of absence
Reason for absence.
Be sure to include your name, phone number, and relationship to student.
If you need to provide documentation for the absence (doctor/dentist note or appointment), please have your student drop it by the attendance desk at the main office, attach it to the attendance email this information to fairview.attendance@bvsd.org
Parents and Guardians may excuse the student’s day out of school, up to ten days without documentation. We strongly recommend parents calling on the day of the absence to excuse their student. If it is not possible to call on the day of absence, a call must be made within two days (48 hours) after the absence or it will remain unexcused.
Excused absences include:
Temporary illness or injury
Extended absences due to physical, mental, or emotional disability
Medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of the regular school day (documentation from care provider required)
Absences directly related to the primary handicapping condition of an identified handicapped student
Emergency, serious illness, or death in the family
An absence that occurs when the student is in the custody of court of law enforcement authorities
Absences due to suspension (in accordance with state law)
An absence resulting from participation in a work/study program, field trip, or athletic competition under the supervision of school
Extremely inclement weather
Participation in religious observances
An absence that is approved by an administrator of the school
Once your student has reached the limit of absences that we are able to excuse without some type of documentation for future absences (we no longer can take a call from a parent). Per BVSD board policy, once your child reaches either ten days total or ten absences for any single period, you must have documentation for us to be able to excuse your child's absence.
Examples of approved documentation:
· Doctor
· Health care provider
· Mental health professional
· Dentist or orthodontist
· Court & Govt related
There may be extenuating circumstances where your child is able to be excused in spite of the ten absence limit but those cases are rare and must be approved in concert with the school.
If you have questions, please contact our Dean of Students:
● Parents are notified via auto dialer if a student is unexcused from a class.
● An official letter will be sent for six (6) absences (excused &/or unexcused) in any one class.
● After ten (10) absences from a single period:
○ An official letter will be sent to parents
○ All future absences will be unexcused unless we receive documentation from a doctor, a court, governmental agency, or a pre-arranged absence.
Attendance contracts may be created for students who miss a disproportionate number of days whether excused or not. Reminder - the goal is always 95% attendance or better.
Extenuating circumstances determined by the building administrator.
A guardian may excuse their student up to ten days before documentation is required. This includes pre-arranged absences.
We recommend your student may print or get a Pre-arranged Absence Form. We recommend that this document be completed and returned directly to the attendance office. Such absences that are not pre-arranged will not be excused. Pre-arranged absences may necessitate a guardian conference.
Single period/ partial day excused absences are allowed as parent call ins as part of their 10 days of parent call ins. Parents have to contact the attendance line.
As required by Colorado State Law and BVSD Policy, students are expected to attend every day that school is in session. For further information in the District’s Attendance Policies (JH and JH-R), please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Guide and State Law (C.R.S. 22-33-104), which require attendance at school for all students until the age of seventeen.
Students who become ill during the school day must report to the Health office.
Our Health Room Para will evaluate the nature of the illness, assist in contacting the parent/guardian for transportation home and excusing the period/s absence.
Only the Health Aide can excuse your student from classes missed, which is why it is important to speak with the health aide first.
Parents/Guardians or the listed emergency contact person(s) are the only adults who can pick up a student from school in case of illness. Students who do not follow this procedure and go home on their own without permission from the health aide will be marked absent. Per school policy, we cannot excuse your student after the fact.