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FCO (Fairview Choir Organization)



The Fairview Choir Organization is a parent volunteer 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to support the Fairview Choir Department, both physically and financially.
We oversee many aspects of the department including ticketing, wardrobe, publicity, fundraising, social events, etc.
We rely upon parent volunteers and financial support to maintain our high quality program that has been recognized throughout the United States.


*More than 75% of our expenses are covered through donations/fundraising.

*Less than 10% of our annual budget is provided by BVSD

*Our largest fundraiser is our fall Coffee sale -details coming soon

*An ongoing fundraiser involves King Soopers Cards

*Please consider shopping on Amazon Smiles and name Fairview Choir Organization (with an address listed in Louisville) as your "charity of choice".


FCO logo

FCO Board Members:

Jen Fox (Fairview Choir alum) 
Kelly Fano (Fairview Choir alum) 
Robyn Bostley (Fairview Choir alum)
Jaime Schlomberg 
    Emmy Young emmy.lynn.young@gmail.coml