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Student Council (StuCo)


StuCo: Leading Events, Serving the FHS Community, and Beyond!

Student Council (StuCo) is a student-led organization with one mission: to serve the student body. In addition, members will gain valuable life and leadership skills as they lead events and programs that benefit FHS as well as the greater Boulder community. Some of their major initiatives include Homecoming, Trick or Treat Street, WISH Week, and Prom! 


FHS Student Council: Empowering Students to Lead and Build a Welcoming School Community

FHS Student Council provides opportunities for students to collaborate with their peers in StuCo as well as many other FHS activities and clubs to create a welcoming school community. Students rely on adult mentorship, but ultimately the Student Council is led by students for the benefit of students. FHS StuCo consists of members elected into leadership positions by the student body as well as members who apply to take this class as part of their academic course load. 



Theodore Strasser

Teacher, Teacher, Athletics-Activities-Events, Student Council Sponsor-HS
Fairview High