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Course Catalog/Course Selection


FHS CLasses that offer College Credit

Use the Left Navigation to explore the Fairview Course Catalog by Category. If you are on your phone, navigate to the three bars in the top left corner to access the Course Catalog.  Please see the Online Payments Page of the BVSD website for the most up to date information about Class Fees, Facts about Fees, and Fee Waiver Forms.

Course Selection Process:

The Course Selection Process is an important part of the high school experience.  Fairview High School Teachers and Counselors are involved in providing recommendations and advice for students in terms of what classes might be a good fit for them, will meet their graduation requirements (through class of 2028) graduation requirements (class of 2029 and on), will meet college entrance requirements, and will allow them to explore their interests.  The process of choosing classes is a collaborative process between students, parents, teachers, and counselors.

What students choose to take also directly impacts what classes are offered at FHS, so it is very important that students are thoughtful and spend time thinking about what classes they really want to take.  Schedule changes will be difficult to accommodate in the future.  The course selection window in February and March is the timeframe for students to really think about what classes they want to take in the following year.  This is a perfect opportunity to take advantage of options outside of FHS such as classes at Boulder TEC or our many Grad+ options. For more information, please contact your counselor or our Fairview Grad+ site lead, Vanessa Carroll at

High school is a great time to explore and cultivate your passions, talents, and interests! Fairview is known for its excellence in academics, arts, and athletics, which you will find reflected in our many core and elective course offerings.


It is expected that all freshmen and sophomores be enrolled in a minimum of six classes all year.  Juniors and seniors are required to take at least six classes in the fall and five classes in the spring.  Students must have a minimum of five classes in order to maintain Athletic Eligibility requirements and participate in Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) sanctioned activities.  Students should consider their overall workload both inside and outside of the classroom and be sure to pick a well-balanced course load.

Current FHS students will select their courses using the Multi-Year Academic Planner (MYAP) in Infinite Campus.  The MYAP is visible for parents/guardians to see in their IC portal as well.  

Course Selection Timeline

Step 1:  Counselors visit all Social Studies classrooms in grade 9-11 in mid-February to review the course selection process, graduation requirements, college entrance requirements, and more.  Students will receive a copy of their transcript to help with this process.

Step 2:  Teachers speak to students about what classes are available for them to take and what their recommendations are for next year.

Step 3:  Students will start entering their course selections in their MYAP in IC.  This is a great time for parents/guardians and students to have conversations about their class choices for next year.

Step 4:  Students will finalize their course selections with the counselors in early March.  Once this process is complete, students' classes choices are locked in for students and cannot be changed.

Step 5:  Teachers will review student course selections as necessary and make any changes based on their recommendation.  If a teacher changes what a student selected for themselves, the teacher will inform the student.  If the student and parent/guardian would like to take a class that was not recommended by the teacher they can fill out a course recommendation override form (available in the counseling office).

Course Catalog and Course Selection Forms

The Course Catalog (linked on the left hand side of this page) contains detailed information on all of the courses offered at Fairview High School.  It also contains information about typical academic pathways and guides for what class leads to an AP or IB test and what classes provide college credit.  The Course Catalog provides a detailed description of each class. We hope you will use this resource as you choose your classes.