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Elizabeth Barcheck

Knight Circle Logo

I'm so excited to be a Fairview Knight!

This is my fourth year as an Assistant Principal. Prior to being a school administrator, I was a middle school librarian, AVID program coordinator, and elective teacher, and I've also taught a variety of middle school and high school Language Arts classes and electives. I've worked in BVSD for my whole career: first, I was at Centaurus High School, then I went to Angevine Middle School, and most recently, I was next door at Southern Hills Middle School. I received my BA in English Literature and a certificate in Secondary Education from CU Boulder. I have an MA in Information and Learning Technology from CU Denver. I also received my administrator certificate from the Colorado State University Global Campus. I grew up in Evergreen, Colorado, and have lived in the Boulder area for 20 years. When I'm not at school, I enjoy spending time outside with my dogs, husband, family, and friends. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting our Fairview students however I can through their high school experience.

Sko Knights!

Contact Info


I will be working with all students last names: O-Z