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Communications and Updates

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Explore our School Communication and Updates page for the latest news, announcements, and important information! Stay informed about upcoming events, school policies, and exciting happenings within our community. Whether you're a student, parent, or staff member, this centralized hub is your go-to resource for staying connected and up-to-date with everything happening at our school. Don't miss out on any updates – visit the page regularly and stay in the loop!

The Friday Flash

The Friday Flash is Fairview's weekly newsletter, sent out on Fridays at 3:00 PM to students, staff, and community members who have opted to receive updates in their Infinite Campus portal profile. It contains curated content, news, and updates covering a wide range of topics, including school news, student recognition, upcoming events, and educational content. The purpose of the Friday Flash is to provide valuable and engaging information to our community on a consistent basis, keeping them informed and connected with Fairview.


Our newsfeed is also a great source for staying informed about current events and keeping up to date with what's happening.

The Royal Banner

Another communication venue is The Royal Banner, a monthly publication available digitally and in print for Fairview students.

 The Lance Yearbook

A timeless chronicle of unforgettable moments is also available in the Lance Yearbook. Step into a world of cherished memories with the Lance Yearbook, as it represents the epitome of high school remembrance. Each year, our dedicated team of students captures the spirit and essence of our vibrant community, preserving a year's worth of laughter, tears, and triumphs.



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    Fairview's Official Facebook

    Additionally, the school will send separate emails and letters

    to families from the principal.

    Not receiving the friday flash or our emails?

    If you're not receiving the school newsletter or emails, it's essential for both parents and students to update their communication preferences in SchoolMessenger. By doing so, you can ensure you stay informed about important school updates and events. For more detailed instructions on how to update your communication preferences, please click on this link: Communication Preferences Update Guide. This document provides step-by-step guidance, making it easy for you to stay connected with all the latest happenings at our school. Don't miss out on important information; update your preferences today!